Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A New Card!

Currently listening to: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Soundtrack

Today I went to the public library here in Blue Springs for the first time in ages. My library card was too outdated to check out. I wondered if the yellow-stain look was the manifestation of age. So I got a new card. It looks really nice. They even have one I can hook onto my keychain.

My mom makes journals and cards. She's quite the craftswoman. Well it's back-t0-school time and Office Depot is having a sale on the composition books that she transforms into works of art. Instead of $1.00, they are 30 cents. So right now I am staring at a pile of *counting....* 65 composition books laying on the table. You can only buy 5 at a time. So we have been taking family trips to Office Depot, each standing in line with arms full of composition books. It's a revolution.

I have been enjoying this Redbox movie thing. I am sure you will agree. Although tonight I made a wrong choice. It's one of those things that you will admit later that you knew it would be an awful was called "Martian Child" for goodness sakes. And it was just that, a movie about a kid that thought he was from Mars. The plot kind of sounds cute until you realize he goes the whole flippin movie thinking that until literally the last 5 minutes. Whoever recommended that movie to me is on drugs. That's my movie review.

I made an observation tonight. I enjoy strawberry licorice. The normal kind. I also enjoy the cherry bite size kind. But I DO NOT enjoy the cherry in the long version. It's gross. So how can I like the same food in a different shape/size? It's rocket science.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Summer's finally here

Current music: Colbie Caillat

I have been really sick lately, stuck in bed. Today I got a sudden burst of summer/energy/spontaneity. What triggered this, I believe, is the BLT's that mom made for dinner. I enjoyed some iced tea with it. All I was missing was some juicy watermelon. Then it would have been the perfect summer meal. Do you have one of those meals? Like a good ol' backyard BBQ with potato salad, hot dogs, corn-on-the-cob, etc, that just makes you feel summer in your bones. Well today was one of those.

So following the meal I called up a few friends to pull a spontaneous drive around the lake nearby. No response. So I gathered my country CD and rocked it to the lake. Unfortunately, I couldn't do the windows down because of the 147% humidity or whatever it is here. I landed at my favorite spot at the lake which I vow never to go alone because of the isolate area. But I needed fresh air, alone time, and spontaneity quick so I toughed up and went.

This particular area is a dock where all the sail boats are stored. It's one of the very few places in Blue Springs that I have found that can make you feel like you are not actually in Blue Springs. Wonderful.

So after I dripped my face off, I enjoyed a good phone call with a very good friend of mine. Don't you love it when you are thinking about calling someone and at that very moment that person calls you first? Again, wonderful. This person is a dear friend of mine and I never cease to be a better Liz when I am finished talking with him.

I concluded the evening with watching "Designstar" with my mom. Now I don't normally enjoy television in the slightest bit. But the show was very intriguing. I forget how much I like watching HGTV. Lord have mercy that was awful to type. I will not read it over again for I might blush and delete.

It was also one of those days where I laughed a lot. Feels good.


Friday, July 25, 2008

TMI (Too much information) Yes! let's be transparent.

It has been an interesting night. One of those that I am pissed. Have absolutely no reason to be.
Let me give justification a shot:

1. I forgot a friend's birthday and am frantically trying to be creative with her gift. It's not working.

2. My computer is not cooperating. I tell it to do one thing, it does another.

3. I cannot find music on my iTunes that fits my mood.

4. I went to Wal-Mart and bought $40 of items that are unecessary to my everyday life. I am depressed with buyer's remorse.

-None of these reasons are convincing-

5. Well lastly, and most importantly, (I can't believe I am writing this) PMS.

ThE eND.
I guess things could be worse.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

So long Mountains

Currently listening to: Rosie Thomas, Much Farther to Go
Chewing: Juicy Fruit Gum

I am writing to you from home; good ol' Blue Springs won me back. I arrived home yesterday from Colorado in order to somehow get this sick body to a manageable level of health. Ever since I have been out there, I have been fighting to keep my body at homeostasis. The past few days I have not been able to jump back. I surrendered and came home. Lord have mercy, not this again. I go in tomorrow for bloodwork. Hopefully the activities of the week do not include the hospital. I don't want to do that again.

So my life for awhile is going to consist of reflecting on my Colorado experience. I sincerely miss the people, the mountains, and the unique opportunity I had there.


My life will also consist of sharing my questions with you all. It's not uncommon to ask, "Why?" in a situaton like this. But as I look around, the question rings louder and louder in order to put to rest this curiousity and doubt. I have wrestled with the idea of sickness, healing, and the Bible. I have seen inconsistency between my body and the word of God. Where is my strong faith in such a desperate situation? I am not as strong as I thought I once was. Then when I take my eyes off of myself, I look around and see so much suffering; sickness. No worries, my anger has already subsided. But my heart still seeks answers. Peace. When will my curiousity be quenched?

In this battle my character grows. My faith stretches. My heart rides on the cycle of brokenness....where only at the cross I am found.